September 8, 2020

The False Gospel of Critical Race Theory

As recently as 18-20 months ago, I had never even heard of Critical Race Theory & had no idea what Intersectionality was. Over the last year, I have not only become aware of it, but I have seen the evidence that it is exploding into our culture. 

Over the next days & weeks, I want to expose that these ideas - specifically Critical Race Theory - are not only contrary to the gospel, but are on their own a works-based worldview of enlightenment. They are a false gospel.

Let's begin with the overarching question: What is Critical Theory? 
Critical Theory is a worldview that believes there are power dynamics present in terms of social relationships.

The object of CT is to expose that the power brokers (the OPPRESSORS) carry certain assumptions & biases (&) they funnel & cement those biases into the systems they create without even realizing they’re doing it. 

The job or role of CT is for the OPPRESSED to uncover those biases & assumptions so they can be critiqued, exposed, dismantled & overthrown. The task is for the OPPRESSED to overthrow the OPPRESSORS.

As an example, in Marxism, the oppressor is the Capitalist or the Bourgeoisie. Karl Marx proposed through his famous Communist Manifesto. As the British Library website explains, Karl Marx "was a revolutionary German economist and philosopher, and the founder of the Communist movement. Marx was writing against a backdrop of great industrial change. Overcrowded, newly industrialised cities were expanding, and much of the working class lived in great poverty. Marx saw history as the story of class struggles, in which the oppressed fight against their oppressors. According to Marx, as history unfolded, the victory of one class would pave the way for the future freedom of the rest of society." When Marx's assertion didn't come true, an Italian Marxist named 
Antonio Gramsci proposed the idea of the Cultural Hegemony, which said the powerful classes in society set the way everyone is supposed to think & everyone else unknowingly buys into it.

I know your question at this point is possibly: Who cares? Why is this important?

The answer is simple: This worldview is no longer creeping or sneaking it's way into our society; it has become a full-fledged raging monster. And the main avenue for it's invasion into the west is through Critical Race Theory. So, we need to specifically dive deeper into understanding it.

Monique Duson, Director of The Center for Biblical Unity, explains that in CRT, white people are the oppressors & black people are the oppressed. As a white person, CRT asserts that you probably don't see your own racist tendencies or thoughts because - as Critical Theory in general suggests - the oppressors are unaware of their own biases & impositions on the rest of society. This is the source & root of all "systemic racism" present in a culture or society. Further, as an oppressor, not only are you not supposed to be a racist, you have to be an anti-racist. There are certain things you must do & say, & certain ways you must do & say them, to prove that you've been enlightened of your problem & to show evidence that you're actively working to dismantle the problem, beginning with yourself.

If you're brain hurts & you're already exhausted from trying to grasp all of this, there's good reason for that. This framework & worldview is totally works based. It’s cultural gnosticism. Critical Race Theory says: You're lost & your only hope of salvation is to be WOKE.

Critical Race Theory undermines the gospel. It predetermines that there isn’t enough grace to cover sin.

Critical Race Theory places the seed & root of sin on a group or race, rather than the individual. That's not what the Bible teaches. 

Critical Race Theory doesn’t actually speak to the oppression of or discrimination against black people. In fact, it actually works against exposing the heart that would attempt to affirm racism. It's burning down a straw man.

And to speak to where & how CRT is invading our culture, you need to understand that this is the prime doctrine & ideology that the Black Lives Matter organization is founded upon. In a brief 2-minute video several months ago, attempting to appeal to Southern Baptists to make a visible effort at eradicating racism, J. D. Greear (President of the SBC) made the assertion that this thinking had "crept into the ranks of BLM", rather than acknowledging or understanding that, in contrast, the entire organization & movement are built on these principles & this worldview. You cannot separate the BLM organization & movement from cultural Marxism & Critical Theory. They are one and the same.

Make no mistake: Critical Race Theory is an attack on the gospel & is an enemy to the reconciliation of grace that can only come from & through the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christ-follower, you need to work to understand it so that you can be ready to confront it. It's not headed this way; it's here.

To further understand CT, CRT, Intersectionality, & the vast array of deceptive ideologies that accompany them, here are several other resources from people who are much smarter than I am:

The Trojan Horse - This is an interview Sovereign Nations Founder Michael O’Fallon and the co-founders of New Discourses, Dr. Peter Boghossian and Dr. James Lindsay, discuss the current tools of societal and institutional deconstruction being introduced throughout civilization under the banner of “Social Justice.” These, they discuss, are presented in a manner not unlike the legendary Trojan Horse.

Race, Injustice, & the Gospel of Critical Race Theory - Alisa Childers interviews Monique Duson to discuss racism, biblical justice, and some of the words and phrases we're seeing in our social media newsfeeds like "white fragility," "whiteness," and "social justice." 

Critical Race Theory - This is an entire catalog of articles, blogposts, interviews, & videos addressing & exposing CRT.

The Trojan Horse, Episode 3 - O'Fallon's interview with Boghossian & Lindsay (an Atheist & an Agnostic) continues, diving deeper & more specifically into the origins and core concepts of critical race theory in plain language, so that it and its terms can be more clearly understood.

By What Standard? - Tom Ascol & Founders Ministries produced this documentary exposing how CRT is already slipping into the ranks of the Southern Baptist Convention. This effort became blatantly obvious & exposed at the 2019 gathering of the SBC as it was pushed through in Resolution 9. 

Defend & Confirm Podcast - My friend Russell Berger & fellow pastor Sean DeMars have several episodes defining, addressing, confronting, and deconstructing the false ideology of CRT.

More to come....

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