November 29, 2011

A Reminder of WHY

Lately I've been shopping, hunting, exploring, and giving thought to the idea of completely redesigning my blog - like hitting DELETE and starting from scratch. There are a lot of reasons behind this - mostly having to do with my inability to stare at the same thing over and over for too long without going completely crazy. Ideas are still on the table. I'll keep you posted. But one very good thing this has all caused me to contemplate is a simple question: Why am I writing this blog, again? Why do I spend my time with this? Why did I start this in the first place? Is that reason still the same reason I have for continuing on? And (thankfully) after much soul-searching and prayer, I believe the Lord has rejuvenated my heart through the simple reminder of the small seed of a thought that ignited this in me just a few years ago. Jesus put it this way: "The Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'It's over there!' For the Kingdom of God is among you - in the midst of you - is IN YOU!" The Kingdom of God has arrived. Not with pomp and circumstance or through some mighty wave of military strength. Through the coming of His Spirit, God has strategically placed His Kingdom in the hearts and lives of His people. And wherever we goes with us. 

The thought occurred to me just a few years back that I'm called to see every facet and aspect of my life through the lens of the Kingdom that I'm living in - that's living in me. It changes the way I see things - the way I talk to people - the motive I carry into the relationships I build. And maybe my lens has gotten a little dirty and needed some cleaning. 

Kingdoms exist to advance a cause and to exalt a king. The Kingdom we live in - HIS Kingdom - overpowers them all! But not through physical might or force, but through the power of the movement of the Spirit of God in the hearts and lives of His people. And if you're a follower of Jesus Christ, that's YOU!

I want to see life through this lens.
I want my life to look different - like something has changed me. Not as a facade, but because it's actually changed me. HE has changed me!
I can't help but see things differently. 
His Word won't allow me to just keep looking at it all the same.

I love how the NLT phrases Matthew 6:33: 
"Your heavenly Father already knows your needs, and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern."

Seek first the Kingdom of God.
Wherever you go...BRING THE KINGDOM!

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