October 25, 2011


Tomorrow will mark 2 weeks since my shoulder surgery. Spending these last 13 days trying to learn to do most everything one-handed and with one arm has caused me to do some serious reflecting. It's helped me to be extremely grateful for some things I normally take for granted - some of which I didn't even begin to consider to be as important as I do now. I wanted to share with you some of these things that I now have a heightened sense of appreciation and gratitude for. And hear what might be on your list that isn't on mine. Today, I am with enormous anticipation looking forward to (and grateful for) once again being able to:
  • Tying my own shoes
  • Lifting weights, running, stretching, and seriously exercising
  • Wrestling, throwing the baseball, shooting baskets, and countless other things I do with my son
  • Driving my car and shifting gears
  • Giving my daughter big bear hugs
  • Putting on my own shirt without wincing
  • Brushing my teeth with my right hand
  • Enthusiastically shaking hands with someone (I like enthusiasm!)
This is a snapshot of some of the things I now believe to be much more precious than I realized them to be beforehand. I am grateful for these things. And I'm looking forward to doing them again very soon. VERY, VERY SOON!

What about you?
What are you grateful for today?

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