June 21, 2010

Pray For Ellie!

Yesterday was Father's Day. It's amazing how your perspective of a day changes so quickly. I remember the summer of 2002, when Morgan was pregnant with my little princess, Libby. The anticipation of her arriving in this world was enough to shoot me to the moon! And of course the years following - having the most amazing wife in the world and BOTH of my children in my life - just keep getting better. But these last two Father's Days I've had to marry the joy of sharing it with my children while thinking about the fact that my Dad is no longer here. December 19, 2008, the Lord decided that Dad had fought his cancer long enough. He went home!

This has all become even more significant in my life the last few days because of Ellie, an 8 year old princess who's fighting for her life. My Dad had a very rare for of cancer called Sarcoma - the same cancer that his mother fought. When my grandmother took the "experimental" drug (in the late 70's) that my Dad was given, she had to sign a release that said she understood the drug could plain-flat kill her. Period. The tumor that Dad had removed from his hip in January of 2007 was (and I quote the surgeon) the "size of a Nerf football"! That was a bit of information I wished I had never asked for. Again, the reason that this Father's Day my heart was heavy is because this sweet little 8 year old - who's just months older than my little girl - is fighting this same uninvited monster that my Dad fought. And it's taking her life!

I want to ask you to join me in praying for Ellie, her parents and her twin sister. Here is their website on Caring Bridge: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/elliepotvin

I know there are children everywhere of all ages fighting cancer, showing strength and courage that many of us presume to know nothing of, but this little girl's fight has hit way too close to home for me. I appreciate you praying!

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