September 18, 2007

The Art of Waiting

We put our house on the market last Monday. Friday, the first person who looked at it, bought it. Crazy! Sort of...but not really. As Morgan and I had been praying about this decision of grand proportion, my prayer was that if we were supposed to sell the house that it would sell for what we were asking, believing that our house was worth that amount, and that we wouldn't have to bend, negotiate or compromise. We didn't. At all. And yet in the midst of praying, expecting, trusting God, when He actually does what you're praying for it's as if you're shocked. He is so good!

So now we've put in an offer on a home that we fell in love with the instant we drove into the driveway. We're trying not to get excited for fear of being let down or disappointed. We prayed, we calculated, we submitted our offer, and now.......we wait. And wait.

I recall Paul saying something about not worrying or being anxious, but instead praying. And then praying some more. And somehow through that process finding this peace that only God can give. I hate it - we all do - but it's in that waiting that we draw closer to God more than any other time. It's in the waiting that we either learn a little (or a lot) more about trusting Him or we decide that we can handle it, manipulate it, and control it better than He can. And you know where that leads!

So, we wait. And remember that "those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength". I think it will be worth the wait. Don't you?

1 comment:

Mooly said...

But what do you do or feel like when you've been praying and trusting and what you were praying for didn't happen ? Because we don't always get what we pray for. But I believe it is a part of God's plan isn't it? He knows better than us and he has a plan for us...