January 6, 2014

Your Words Have Been Heard

When you read the Book of Daniel, you realize that one clear characteristic of this man's life - when he was both young and old - was that of fasting and praying. He passionately sought the heart of God, wanting to know the steps that the Lord was ordaining for him, but more importantly wanting to know the One who was ordaining those steps. He wanted to KNOW GOD! He wanted his people to KNOW GOD - to return to Him with their whole hearts. And he tirelessly, persistently kept on asking the Lord for these things.

We see this powerfully displayed throughout Daniel 9 & 10. Specifically in Chapter 10, as Daniel tells us he "was mourning for three weeks" (he had been fasting and praying), he has a vision. The men who were with him didn't see it, but they experienced the presence of God and it sent them running to hide. Daniel himself was afraid as well, even trembling.

When was the last time you were overcome by the presence of God?
Can you remember what it felt like to be overwhelmed by who God is?

At that moment, Daniel experienced this. 
And I love what the messenger of God tells him:

He addresses Daniel as "man greatly loved". This stabbed me in the heart this morning as I read it and was reminded of the indescribable love the Father has for me as His child. Amazing!

After he tells Daniel to "stand upright", this is his message:

"Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled youself before God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words." (Daniel 10:12)

Have you poured out your heart before the Lord, longing to know Him more?
Have you lifted up that person you love, longing to see them surrender their heart to the Living God?
Have you asked the Lord for wisdom & discernment in your life, to follow Him wholeheartedly?
Have you begged God to do things in & through your life that only He can accomplish?
Have you been tempted to think - even for just a second - that your prayer is insiginificant? Unimportant? Unheard?

Think again.

From the first day that you asked for wisdom...
from the first moment that you begged for intervention...
from the first breath you uttered on behalf of someone else's salvation...
your words have been heard.

Don't lose heart. Don't give up.
God's ways and His timing and His plan are much bigger and better than ours.
And He's always working for your GOOD and for His GLORY!

Isaiah 55:6-9
Matthew 7:7-11
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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