May 17, 2012

Priority Hiatus

It's May 17th. To my knowledge (without an in-depth check) this is the longest break I've taken from writing on my blog in a couple of years: 17 days. I thought I'd toss out a brief explanation and let you know the reason(s) for the hiatus. So here's the dealio:
  • Over the last 3 months our church has been without a youth pastor. I've had the incredible privilege of being able to serve & lead with our students and our youth workers. 
  • I've also been leading our Youth Pastor Search Team through the process of bringing a new youth pastor on board. And PRAISE THE LORD!! we believe we've found our man! (Another blog post coming soon...)
  • There are times when we - or at least "I" (I won't speak for anyone else) - need to be quiet, listen, process, and let things settle for awhile. These last days have definitely fallen into that category.
  • Our church is currently refinancing our mortgage and switching banks. As you probably know, this has been a little bit of paperwork.
  • I'm coaching my son's baseball team. I LOVE it! I'm grateful I was already on blood pressure medication, though. A bit stressful.
  • We've just finished our 12-week long session of classes we had to take to be cleared for adoption. We are ALMOST there! It's incredibly surreal - that the Lord knows this child that He has planned to place in our family. All we can do right now is continue to pray and wait. The search will SOON begin! (Obviously more to come on this subject....)
I could go on. And on. But you get the idea. The reality is, sometimes we have to make priorities and they trump what was priority. Things change. We have to be ready to change as well. And we have to learn to be OK with it. I'm OK with it. And if there's an inkling of a chance that all we're doing (as Switchfoot puts it) is adding to the noise, maybe - for just a bit - we should turn off the song.

Is there anything you've had to sacrifice for priority's sake?
Is there something you should be setting aside now for the sake of something greater? Ask the Lord. He'll show you.


RashmiMaharjan said...
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