January 11, 2011

Vision Begins With Brokenness

Vision. Do you have it? A dream or view of how things should be? The way I see it, if you're a child of God - a follower of Jesus Christ - vision will come. God doesn't call us His own and then allow us a free pass on being disturbed and broken over the things in this world that He believes need to be made new. Are you asking God to give you the eyes to see things the way He sees them? Are you praying and hungering for this divine perspective? Do you have vision?

Nehemiah had vision. He was broken over what he saw going on in his homeland and with his people. He was moved to the point of weeping, mourning, fasting and praying. I think Nehemiah was like Isaiah: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!" When you see God - when He gives you a glimpse into His perspective - it will mess you up! That's what happened with Nehemiah. God pulled back the veil for a moment. But the thing I think we should take note of is Nehemiah's response - what he does in response to his brokenness. He prays. And he confesses his sin.

Allow me to boil this down to the simple core: If we desire to be used by God for His purposes in this world, we will have to broken over the things that break His heart. If I long to see things through His eyes - if I want to have the "mind of Christ" - my heart has to be in fellowship with Him. Nehemiah agreed with God about the truth - he called his sin exactly that: SIN. He stopped making excuses, blaming other people, and said, "Lord, my heart isn't right. Purify me!" Vision begins with brokenness. 

When God desires to USE us, He almost always has to BREAK us first.

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